Thursday, December 31, 2015

Wicked 2016 New Years Sci-Fi & Horror Marathon

Happy New Year!!! I'm lame and I'm not going out, because I feel like poop, so here are some horror and sci-fi selections, I will likely be watching if I run out of Twilight Zone marathon shows to watch! I need Chinese food, sleep, and horror and sci-fi movies to entertain me and other than that, it's icy and rotten out, so that will be my evening. Go ahead, call me a big, fat, loser, lol!

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (1978) - A series of savage attacks point to mutated tomatoes on a murderous rampage. A scientific team along with governmental special agents join forces to end the attacks. This horror comedy classic will keep you entertained if you're a party pooper stay-in New Year's Eve nerd like me!

Chronicle of the Raven (Jennifer's Shadow) (2004) - I really liked this one and Faye Dunaway is such a creeper when she wants to be. No more wire hangers everrrrrrrr!!!! Anyway, this time she's a Grammy and a creepy one at that. Anyway, I'll drop the synopsis here. This movie is well worth watching and is very original. Jennifer has recently inherited her family's estate in Argentina. She plans to travel to Argentina, sell the family home, and come home with the proceeds of the sale.  On her trip, she encounters her grandmother, Mary Ellen, who still resides in the estate. This eccentric old lady appears to have doomed her whole family to a frightful family curse.  Jennifer then begins to see frightful visions during  her slumber, haunted by a raven who haunts her dreams, eating portions of her body in them.  Jennifer is trapped as the raven visits her nightly.  Jennifer is forced to face her grandmother in order to end the curse before it's too late.

Frankenhooker (1990) - All I need say is, "Wanna date?"....but I'll put a synopsis here anyway, lol! during backyard barbecue party Elizabeth Shelly met an unfortunate untimely death by a remote controlled lawnmower cutting her body to pieces. Her fiance Jeffery Franken, a medical school dropout, could not accept this horrible fate.

Night of the Creeps (1986) - Awwww shiiiiiat, a horror comedy gold classic that I haven't seen in quite some time...This horror comedy classic involves alien leach-like creatures creating zombies on a college campus.

Re-Animator (1985) - Among film adaptations of H.P. Lovecraft's works, Re-Animator is a classic! Herbert West has realized his dream of resurrecting the recently deceased. He's seen as a mad scientist at Miskatonic University, where he attends medical school. Along with his roommate, who attends medical school with him, West's special serum is administered with disastrous results.

Oh, and I had a very sexual dream last night about zombies and zombie halflings, which I was in the dream.  I took medication to keep my zombie cravings at bey, but was always afraid of the zombies and that they might mistake me for a full human and they might eat me, but they all just tried to bang me.  I found a zombie lover and some human lovers, and I was just a zombie halfling ho in this dream, creepy.  My cravings for human flesh were curbed only by banging everyone, male and female, alive or dead, so yeah.  That could be a movie in and of itself, boom chicka wow wow.  I wish dreams could be recorded so badly!